Custom Foot Orthotics
Proper foot alignment helps to correct and improve overall posture, which when out of place can cause aches, pains and general discomfort. A foot orthotic is an insole that can be discretely inserted into the shoe to support, align, prevent and/or accommodate foot abnormalities and improve how the foot functions. Used in conjunction with appropriate footwear, a foot orthotic can be effective in helping to treat a number of foot and lower limb problems including:
- heel pain
- arch pain
- forefoot pain
- shin splints
- knee pain
- low back pain
- ankle pain
- hip pain
Orthotics can also help address foot and lower limb pain and complications related to health conditions such as diabetes and arthritis, as well as help provide support and comfort during physical activities like walking, running, skiing, skating and more. Orthotics are designed to help stabilize alignment and provide cushioning to reduce high-pressure areas on the foot.
After careful diagnostics and assessment, the team at Sound Orthotics provides appropriate footwear recommendations to meet your specific needs. In the case where a custom solution is recommended, a 3D casting process is undertaking to capture the correct molding of the foot. The orthotics are then manufactured on-site to meet your exact specifications and requirements.
Designed Just For You.
Orthotics come in different “styles”, or more accurately, different prescriptions that are based on your unique needs as a foot condition. Click on the headings below to discover more about the different types of foot orthotics, or contact us at 705-342-7728 or at for more information.
Functional insoles for multitude of everyday uses.
Modified functional insole for active living.
Softer insole for when a gentler approach is needed.
Start Your Journey Toward Pain-Free Living Today!
Get in touch with us at 705-342-7728 or at or come visit us at our 8 Murray Point Road location and set up your footcare consultation appointment.
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